Happy Anniversary to iLovePDF!

The team celebrates 10 years of providing PDF tools to users worldwide

24 feb. 2020
happy anniversary

At work this morning, the iLovePDF team took a sip of success from their iLovePDF-branded coffee mugs and smiled. Something feels different today. But why might that be?

Is it because we have recently moved into our brand new offices, fully equipped with bean bags and pot plants? Not quite. Or is it because we recently onboarded some fantastic new team members? True...but keep guessing.

Then it must be because we launched the new desktop version for Mac! Although, didn't we announce that last week?

Ok, we'll let you in on our secret. If you haven't already heard, today, the 25th February 2020, is iLovePDF's 10 year anniversary! Woohoo!

That's right, exactly 10 years ago iLovePDF was born in Barcelona, in developer Marco's bedroom. Marco was trying to merge two pdf files together. So he created the tool. It worked, so he developed another one. That's when he realized that he could help loads of people with similar needs! It was time to look for others to work with him.


Marco started building a team, and before he knew it, the company had taken off. Today, iLovePDF offers a free, accessible and top quality service to help people across the globe with their PDF problems. Never did Marco imagine that 10 years later, what was just a small project would grow to become one of the world's most visited websites!

For the past 10 years, the team has been working their socks off (also branded) to provide you with useful tools to help with all your document needs.

The team grew, and this year we moved into new offices to make room for another programmer and marketing specialist. There are now 11 of us in total, which is still few- but every person counts.

Whether it's for businesseLearning or your own creative projects, every tool we've made is designed to help you improve your document efficiency and be more productive. And why? Because we believe that everyone deserves to make time for the things in life that really matter.

Thanks to our users

Enough about us though. This special day is also about YOU. That's because if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't exist. The constant support, feedback and suggestions from our users are what has led us to develop even more powerful PDF tools, as well as the iLovePDF Mobile App and Desktop version- now available for both Windows and Mac users.

All of this was because you showed us that all PDFs problems were worth solving.

So please, join us in the celebration, because thanks to your help, we have reached double figures!

Heart file

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  • يتم حذف أي مستند يتم تحميله على نظامنا تلقائيًا بعد ساعتين من وقت المعالجة لمنع أي وصول غير مصرح به لجهة خارجية.
  • جميع خوادمنا محمية بموجب التشريعات الأوروبية، وهي واحدة من أكثر التشريعات تقييدًا في العالم.